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Delta Force Land Warrior Game Cheats

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  1. Delta Force Land Warrior Cd Key
  2. Delta Force Land Warrior Game Cheats Codes
  3. Delta Force Land Warrior Missions
  4. Delta Force Land Warrior Game Cheats Ps2
  5. Delta Force Cheats For Pc

All Cheats - Latest First Restore Ammunition Added 30 Jun 2006, ID #8942 When you are low on ammunition press F11 to save the game then press F12 to load the. Retro game cheats for Delta Force 3: Land Warrior (PC). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games.


Justpress the ~ key then enter one of the following codes:

kariya - Max out Ammo

corbet - BeInvisible

drury - GetFull Ammo

roy -Invincibility

domi - ArtileryStrike

Pause - pause game

NVG - night vision

CoolNVG - realistic night vision

NextWaypoint - advance to nextwaypoint

Binoculars - binoculars

tracers - tracers

1knife - knife

2sidearm - sidearm

3primary_weapon - primary weapon

4second_weapon - secondary weapon

5explosives - aux 1

6detonator - detonator

7grenade - grenade

8laser - laser designator

9medic - special

Bozo - Bozo mode

talk - chat

stalk - team chat

Ban - ban

talkblue - blue talk

talkred - red talk

VonTalk - push to talk

VonBT - break talker

VonMCT - mute current talker

VonUSP - un-mute selected player

VonRVU - increase record volume

VonRVD - decrease record volume

VonDisplay - display

VonDLT - display last talker

VonSLT - select last talker

VonSBX - select target

center_view - center view

magazine - change magazine

command - command prompt

BigMap - commander's map

Crouch - crouch

move_jump - jump

fly_up - fly up

cycle - cycle weapons

Drop - drop item

Punt - punt mode

PuntCRC - punt CRC

PuntLog - punt log Zelda switch game cheats.

dualcpu - dual CPU mode


attack_1 - fire weapon

showgun - first-person gun view

1stPerson - first-person view

flipmouse - flip mouse direction

alt_move_forward - forward

look_dn_abs - absolute look down

look_up_abs - absolute look up

turn_left_abs - absolute turn left

turn_right_abs - absolute turn right

ShowFriendly - friendly tags

help - help

hudcolor - HUD color

huddetail - HUD detail

killlist - kill list

LoadGame - load game

lockgame - lock game


attack_1 - fire weapon

showgun - first-person gun view

1stPerson - first-person view

flipmouse - flip mouse direction

alt_move_forward - forward

look_dn_abs - absolute look down

look_up_abs - absolute look up

turn_left_abs - absolute turn left

turn_right_abs - absolute turn right

ShowFriendly - friendly tags

help - help

hudcolor - HUD color

huddetail - HUD detail

killlist - kill list

LoadGame - load game

lockgame - lock game

look_down - look down

look_up - look up

mousescale - mouse scaling

move_back - move back

alt_move_back - move back

move_forward - move forward

CameraDown - move view down

CameraLeft - move view left

CameraRight - move view right

Delta Force Land Warrior Cd Key

CameraUp - move view up

netdelay - net delay

Crime scene mystery game cheats. Hidden Objects: Mystery crime is a fantastic crime solving puzzle game for the iOS and Android, but as you know by now it's also pretty tricky! No problem, we have a video walkthrough of the solution to this part of the puzzle.

NextFlag - next flag

Prone - prone

OldMessages - recent messages

scope - scope

scopemag - scope magnification

scopescale - scope scale

decrease scopedec - scope zero

increase scopeinc - scope zero

Delta Force Land Warrior Game Cheats Codes

PrintScreen - screenshot

server - server screen

setasslotX - where X is a numberbetween 0 and 9, set as slot X

0tossslot - toss slot

CrossHairColor - set crosshair color

Stand - stand

Slide - strafe

slide_left - strafe left

alt_slide_left - strafe left

slide_right - strafe right

alt_slide_right - strafe right

turn_left - turn left

turn_right - turn right

Verbose - verbose mode

MissionGoals - view goals

Delta Force Land Warrior Missions

NoRun - walk

zoomin - zoom in

CameraZoomIn - zoom in

zoomout - zoom out

CameraZoomOut - zoom out

resetgames - reset game

restart - restart mission

SaveGame - save game

savescores - save scores

quit - exit game

exit - exit mission

delta force: land warrior Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, delta force: land warrior Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes

delta force: land warrior Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, delta force: land warrior Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes


Total votes: 27
March 31, 2002 - 2:56pm

Various Cheats

During gameplay press Swedish users press Danish users press then type any of the following 'Codes':

lookdnabsAbsolute Look Down
lookupabsAbsolute Look Up
turnleftabsAbsolute Turn Left
turnrightabsAbsolute Turn Right
NextWaypointAdvance to Next Waypoint
domiArtillery Strikes
5explosivesAux 1
talkblueBlue Talk
BozoBozo Mode
VonBTBreak Talker
centerviewCenter View
magazineChange Magazine
skyChange Sky Color Reduces Lag
commandCommand Prompt
BigMapCommander's Map
cycleCycle Weapons
VonRVDDecrease Record Volume
VonDLTDisplay Last Talker
DropDrop Item
dualcpuDual CPU Mode
quitExit Game
exitExit Mission
attack1Fire Weapon
showgunFirst Person Gun View
1stPersonFirst Person View
flipmouseFlip Mouse Direction
flyupFly Up
ShowFriendlyFriendly Tags
hudcolorHUD Color
huddetailHUD Detail
VonRVUIncrease Record Volume
killlistKill List
8laserLaser Designator
LoadGameLoad Game
lockgameLock Game
lookdownLook Down
lookupLook Up
mousescaleMouse Scaling
movebackMove back
moveforwardMove Forward
CameraDownMove View Down
CameraLeftMove View Left
CameraRightMove View Right
CameraUpMove View Up
VonMCTMute Current Talker
netdelayNet Delay
NextFlagNext Flag
NVGNight Vision
PausePause Gameplay
3primaryweaponPrimary Weapon
PuntLogPunt Log
PuntPunt Mode
VonTalkPush to Talk
CoolNVGRealistic Night Vision
OldMessagesRecent Messages
talkredRed Talk
resetgamesReset Game
restartRestart Mission
SaveGameSave Game
savescoresSave Scores
scopemagScope Magnification
scopescaleScope Scale
scopedecScope Zero Decrease
scopeincScope Zero Increase
4secondweaponSecondary Weapon
VonSLTSelect Last Talker
VonSBXSelect Target
serverServer Screen
setasslot0Set as Slot 0
setasslot1Set as Slot 1
setasslot2Set as Slot 2
setasslot3Set as Slot 3
setasslot4Set as Slot 4
setasslot5Set as Slot 5
setasslot6Set as Slot 6
setasslot7Set as Slot 7
setasslot8Set as Slot 8
setasslot9Set as Slot 9
CrossHairColorSet Crosshair Color
gammaSet Gamma Level to
slideleftStrafe Left
altslideleftStrafe Left
sliderightStrafe Right
altsliderightStrafe Right
stalkTeam Chat
0tossslotToss Slot
turnleftTurn Left
turnrightTurn Right
kariyaUnlimited Ammo
VonUSPUnMute Selected Player
VerboseVerbose Mode
MissionGoalsView Goals
zoominZoom In
CameraZoomInZoom In
zoomoutZoom Out
CameraZoomOutZoom Out
gimmeGet below

Delta Force Land Warrior Game Cheats Ps2

Gimme Numbers

Delta Force Cheats For Pc

gimme 1 psg1 light sniper riflesilenced
gimme 2 m82a1 heavy sniper riflebarrett .50
gimme 3 ammo reload
gimme 4 m40 sniper rifle
gimme 5 .45 socom
gimme 6 .45 socomsdsilenced
gimme 7 glock 18 sub machine pistol
gimme 8 m249 saw
gimme 9 fn mag light
gimme 10 m4 masterkey
gimme 11 g11 light assault rifle
gimme 12 steyr aug light assault w/grenade launcher
gimme 13 ak47 light assault rifle
gimme 14 oicw light assault rifle
gimme 15 mp5sd
gimme 16 ump
gimme 17 calico sub machine gun
gimme 18 p11 underwater pistol
gimme 19 uaw underwater rifle
gimme 20 mm1 automatic grenade launcher
gimme 21 pancor jackhammer
gimme 24 at4 antiarmor weapon
gimme 28 satchel charge
gimme 29 m18 claymore
Submitted by jb1

Other cheat

Frenzie - Enables all gunsExampletap 1 once to get knife then tap it again to get different weapon
Submitted by Xavier

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