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Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction

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  1. Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction 4
  2. Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction Walkthroughs
  3. Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction Age Of Empires 2

When it comes to writing a novel, inspiration is one of the first things you need to stock up on (along with industrial sized tins of coffee). Finding the java is the easy part, but the ideas are a bit trickier. However, using unique writing prompts can help you get started, and I've found that the best sparks of inspiration can be found in great books. And the Harry Potter series is more than full of magical inspiration to get you motivated.

Used to help Hermione attend all her classes, Harry and Hermione utilize it to save two lives. Going back in time, Harry and Hermione save Buckbeak from a tragic end, reliving the day over again from a different perspective. They also manage to save the earlier Harry and Sirius and help Sirius escape later. 4 Neville Longbottom: Frank & Alice. Penny Potter (twin of Harry Potter!) is the clone of her mother, but her mannerism are that of her father and Snape finds himself conflicted. The girl is talented, challenging, and fascinating to him, she also has a love for potions. 15th century) was a Dark Wizard of unknown nationality and the original inhabitant of the fortress of Azkaban.1 Alone on Azkaban's island, which was at the time uncharted by both Muggles and other wizardkind, Ekrizdis practised the worst kinds of Dark Magic. He would often lure passing Muggle sailors to his fortress only to torture and murder them. He was believed to have lost.

J.K. Rowling offered you world of your own to escape to as a kid, and one that you can still call home. She may even be the reason you became a writer. Opening up any one of the books will always give you chills up your spine and bring a smile to your face. And because of that, I've put together a list of the best Harry Potter quotes and paired them with a writing prompt to get you started.

Your big challenge: Don't write fan fiction — write your own stuff! This is your novel, and even J.K. Rowling has said she was inspired by her favorite books as she wrote the Harry Potter series. Take a deep breath and get your quill and paper (or, well, Word document) ready, because inspiration is about to strike!

'Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.'

—Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Writing prompt: Imagine a world where 'lost and found' boxes transport people back into their past to find something they lost long ago, like a prized possession or family heirloom.

'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.'

—Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars Battlefront II for PlayStation Portable. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page.

Writing Prompt: Create a character who has sworn her life over to a society focused on doing evil in a world of good. Bonus: Create a foil whom she'll meet and clash with — but end up falling in love with.

'Turn to page 394.'

—Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction 4

Writing Prompt: A character has just found an old, abandoned library with every single book thrown off of the shelves, but still in good shape. The only thing all the books have in common is each one is missing its 394th page. What could it mean?

'I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed — or worse, expelled.'

—Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Writing prompt: Place a boarding school in your hometown and imagine a group of students conducting the most epic prank to start out the year. This prank could be deadly if left in the wrong hands, so what happens next might not be so pretty.

'Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.'

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Writing prompt: Imagine a character that has never stepped outside of her small, isolated town. When a group of strange-looking kids show up in her backyard one night, she's given the choice to keep living the simple life she's always known, or follow them into the night. What does she choose, and what motivates her decision?

'The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure.'

—Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Writing prompt: But what if it were? Create a world where a controlling government does annual 'mind checks' to ensure safety and happiness while looking into human brains. What would happen when a couple of characters rebel against the procedure? Follow them throughout their journies.

'I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me.'

Dbz sagas game cheats. —Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Writing prompt: Start out with a character who has always had extraordinarily bad luck all of her life. When yet another terrible event happens, explain how she reacts differently for the first time ever.

'Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't really a great time for me to have a House Elf in my bedroom.'

Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction Walkthroughs

—Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Writing prompt: Instead of a House Elf, reimagine J.K. Rowling's quote with a different mythical creature — one that may exist, or one that you've created. Why is it a bad time for your character? Is he late to be somewhere, perhaps? Keep the stakes high.

'The prophesy said: neither one can live for the other one survives. It means one of us is gonna have to kill the other in the end.'

Harry Potter Lives In A Video Game Cheats Fanfiction Age Of Empires 2

—Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Writing prompt: Imagine two young twins are told a similar prophesy, or just as threatening by their older sibling as a joke. Only one of them takes it seriously, and as they grow older, they begin to resent each other. Write the story in both of the twins' perspectives.

Images: immortal.books/Instagram; giphy (10)

If you grew up reading the Harry Potter books back when they were originally being published, you knew the agony of having to wait a year or two to get your hands on the next installment of the series. (Of course, this is nothing in comparison to what poor A Song of Fire and Ice fans have been going through.) So how did you satisfy your Harry Potter craving in between novels? You turned to the internet to get your fill of some HP fanfiction.

Sure, they didn't completely fill the quaffle-sized void in your life, but they did offer some pretty entertaining distractions in the forms of alternate universe plots, next generation stories, and of course non-canon romantic pairings. Maybe your Draco-Hermione fantasies didn't get played out in the actual series, but you can find dozens of stories about them written by fellow shippers. Or maybe you wanted more tales of post-book seven Harry and the gang. The fanfiction community has you covered there, too!

Getting paid to go back and read some of the best pieces of Harry Potter fanfiction was the highlight of my week. I was in full-on nostalgia mode. Some stories were excellent, some purposely ridiculous, and a few definitely NSFW, but they all took me back to the days when I obsessively consumed every bit of Harry Potter culture I could get my hands on. Below are seven of the best pieces of fanfiction that can still be found online today. If you want to spend the next week going down the HP fanfiction rabbit hole, I certainly won't judge you.

1. Destiny Reversed by chattypandagurl

Once we learned that Neville, not Harry, had the potential to be the Chosen One, we all wondered: what if Voldemort had attacked the Longbottoms instead of the Potters? This fanfiction imagines Harry falling asleep and waking up in a world where his entire family is still alive. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. Harry now has to choose between living happily ever after or helping his friend defeat the Dark Lord. While the concept might not be original, this story adds a nice twist by making Harry aware of the reversal.

2. Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness by Thanfiction

Ever wonder what the DA was up to while Harry and the gang were out looking for Horcruxes, or how Neville became such a rebellious badass? Finally someone came along and filled in those holes for us! Be warned, this story is violent, but if you're more interested in some of the series's supporting characters and want to read a pretty cool retelling of what was happening at Hogwarts during Deathly Hallows, I would highly recommend taking the time to read this story (the first in a trilogy!).

Deathly Hallows, $4, Amazon

3. Double or Nothing by Calico

Harry potter lives in a video game cheats fanfiction age of empires 2

HARRY POTTER/N*SYNC CROSSOVER SEXY FANFICTION. You probably never expected to see those words together, but Calico has a way better imagination than you. The Weasley twins are at a party attempting to pick up Muggle men when they're both seduced by Lance Bass. Sexy wizard/popstar hijinks follow. NSFW, but definitely worth reading for the sheer hilarity of this bizarre (but pretty well-written) piece of fanfiction.

4. The First Day by little0bird

After the battle for Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling immediately jumps years into the future, showing us a Harry who is happily married with children. But what about the battle-scarred Harry who has just defeated his greatest enemy but watched many of those closest to him die? This fanfiction picks up directly after the battle and deals with Harry's struggle to cope in the aftermath of Voldemort's downfall. While some of your favorite couples do get attention, this story is way more about PTSD and dealing with the loss of loved ones than romance.

Deathly Hallows, $4, Amazon

5. My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie

Most readers of harry Potter fanfiction are familiar with 'My Immortal', but if you haven't heard of it (you Prep!) let me give you a rundown of this masterpiece. Widely known as the best/worst piece of fanfiction in Harry Potter history, this story revolves around 17-year-old Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a vampire witch who goes to Hogwarts and likes to attend Good Charlotte concerts with Draco Malfoy. Yes, it is every bit as terrible and awesome as it sounds, and its a true fanfiction classic.

6. Isolation by Bex-chan

Rejoice, Hermione/Draco shippers! Harry and Ron are out searching for Horcruxes and Hermione's been left to help Professor McGonagall run Hogwarts. Hiding from Voldemort, Draco Malfoy is put under Hermione's watch to keep him safe and make sure he doesn't escape. Can you guess where this is going? Draco battles his prejudice against Mudbloods while Hermione slowly begins to view her old enemy as a love interest. Obviously, sexiness ensues, but the story's a lot more interesting than that.

7. Scorpius Malfoy and the Improbable Plot by opalish

Draco Malfoy's son Scorpius has befriended the Potter children and has become something of a surrogate son to Harry. After an explosion, Harry, Scorpius, and the rest of Harry's family end up in an alternate reality in which Voldemort is alive and Harry has died. But honestly, the plot's not that important. What's important is that this fanfiction is absolutely hilarious and contains chapters called 'In Which Harry Dies Inside, A Little' and 'In Which Snape Is Irritated, For A Change.' You read this one to laugh, not for the plot.

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Images: Giphy (7), Warner Bros.

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